Top 5 Spiritual Places Across Asia

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Pashupatinath temple is the oldest Hindu temple located at the bank of holy river Bagmati which flows through Kathmandu Valley of Nepal. According to legends, Lord Siva once took the form of an antelope and sported at the bank of Bagmati river. The other gods caught him and forced him to resume his divine form. This temple was built where his horn was worshipped as linga. The major festival of the temple is "MAHASIVRATRI" on which day 700000 visitors come to visit this incredible place. Only Hindu visitors are allowed inside the temple and a special place known as "Beautiful " for non-Hindus to see the MahaAarti of the temple.

Rishikesh is the city in India's Northern state, Uttarakhand. Thousands of year ago saint came to get peace and spirituality. Their study was successfully flourished here and thus this place soon established as the centre of Yoga, Meditation, Spirituality and Ayurveda which attracts thousands of tourist every year. This place has several temples and ashrams and a dip in the holy water of river Ganga is capable of washing all sins of a person.

Lumbini is an ancient land, the birthplace of Buddha, where Siddhartha was born and turned into Buddha. It is the holiest place for Buddhists. People should visit this place once in a life to feel the energy of this holiest place.

Jangsta Dumsteg Lhakhang is the beautiful Buddhist temple in the form of chorten in Bhutan. This temple is located at the edge of a hill, across the bridge from Paro. According to the legend, there are different stories related to the making of this temple, some local legends say that it was built to subdue a serpentine force located at the foundation of chorten and some other legends say that it was built at the head of the demoness. This temple was built in the form of three stories and look like mandala and three stories said to represent hell, earth and heaven.

Sri Dalada Maligawa a Buddhist temple in Kandy, Srilanka is also known as the "Temple of the Tooth". According to SriLankan legends, when Buddha died, his upper left canine tooth was taken from his funeral pyre by his disciple, Karma. This precious tooth passed through the different kingdom and finally it was brought to Kandy, where it is presently at the Temple of the tooth in the bejewelled casket.